Italian referendum : Gold confounds – again


Here’s a lightly edited version of my thoughts on gold’s contrary reaction to the result of the recent Italian referendum which led to the resignation of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.  Article was published on (I publish articles on Sharps Pixley as I generate a small amount of income whereas I have not tried to commercialise lawrieongold which comes to you free of charge.)

I suppose we should have expected it after the Brexit vote and the Donald Trump US Presidential vote result, but yet again a plebiscite, whose result would normally have been expected to give a significant boost to the gold price appears to have had the opposite effect.  This time it was the Italian referendum which saw a significant defeat for would-be reformist Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, and his as-promised subsequent resignation.  True, as with the Trump and Brexit votes, once it became apparent which…

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